Sunday, August 23, 2009

The name thought lura is referencing a lulluby that was sung to me.  

Tura Lura Lura.  

My mom could calm the world around me.  

Tura Lura Li

Saturday, August 22, 2009


Horse fly.



We are not privy to this conversation between Hagosha and Oscar.  We can guess.

Glaring Empty

Really miss sitting on swing with Rob while kids tucked in sleeping.  Hanging Ghost.


Backstage vibration and energy.
No nerves with anonymous dancer.  Youth, beauty, skill inoculate.

Low Tide

Empty Shell

Determined Fungus

This is our pet mushroom.  I am not normally finding myself either mystified or impressed by fungus.  This little shroom seems both determined and content despite the obvious shortcomings of its chosen home.